Blessed Julian of Norwich

Blessed Julian of Norwich - English Mystic
30 X 30 - acrylic on canvas


Who was Blessed Julian? Little is really known about Blessed Julian of Norwich. We know she lived from 1342 to 1420 and that she wrote Revelations of Divine Love which continues to be widely published and has inspired others to write books about the work.

We know she was an anchoress who lived in a stone cell attached to St. Julian Church in Norwich, England. It's believed her name could have been taken from the church itself.

Blessed Julian was not a nun or part of a religious order but she spent her life in isolation reflecting on the Word of God.

She is often depicted in art wearing a habit. Instead I see her wrapped up in warm layers in defense of the bitter cold with quill in hand writing of God.

She is most identified with her famous quote, "All shall be well, and all matter of things shall be well." Other famous authors have "borrowed" the phrase as their own.

Learn More: Read about Julian, her life and see pictures of the the place she lived. Also see Wikipedia

Feast Day: May 8 in the Anglican Church and May 13 in the Catholic Church. Patron saint of cats



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