Christ in Glory icon

Christ in Glory
6 feet X 9 feet - acrylic on canvas


Created for a small Orthodox church.

First I said "yes." Then I prayed that God would give me all I needed to do the work. I knew He would and it was with that Faith I ordered a very large canvas to be delivered via a freight transport. When it arrived I realized just how large 6' X 9' really is, I asked for help once again.

Then I began to prepare the canvas with many layers of gesso. Then enlisted help to get it from the garage, up and over the deck so it could come through the sliding glass doors into the living room, the only place with high enough ceilings.

Then I drew the grid, sketched in the image and began to paint. After many hours the miracle was complete. Christ in Glory appeared. Thank you.

Scoll down to see the process.





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Christ in Glory