star of the sea

Stella Maris - The Star of the Sea

48 X 48 - acrylic on canvas


STELLA MARIS - The Star of the Sea

Created for Our Lady of the Pillar Catholic Church in Half Moon Bay. I was honored and delighted to be asked by the women of the parish to create a signature piece for the newly renovated Stella Maris Room, adjacent to the sanctuary.

“…as mariners are guided to port by the shining of a star, so Christians are guided to heaven by Mary.”

-- St. Thomas Aquinas, OP
Dominican, Order of Preachers
Doctor of the Church, 1225 - 1274 Italy

Stella Maris dates back to the early Church, 5th Century. Learn more

Feast Day: September 27th

About the painting: Because the church my painting would hang in is located in Half Moon Bay, a small coastal community known for its thriving fishing industry, I painted a fishing boat in Mary's loving care. The moon in the sky is of course for the town's name. And although not the original name, Half Moon Bay has been its official name since 1874. The waves on each side of Mary represent the Mavericks that attract surfers from around the world whenever the waves arrive, usually during the winter months.

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