The Nativity of Our Lord

The Nativity of Our Lord

30 X 40 - acrylic on birch panel


The Nativity of Our Lord: We all know the story... Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem for a census. When they arrive there's no room in the inn. Joseph takes Mary to a cave just outside the city so Mary can give birth.

And then the angel of the Lord appearing to the shepherds, telling them, not be afraid. You will find wrapped in swaddling clothes, the Messiah --- the shepherds go immediately to see what the angel has announced.

A quote paraphrased from C.S. Lewis, Bishop Robert Barron said, "How did God enter history? Quietly, in a forgotten corner of the Roman Empire, sneaking, as it were, behind enemy lines." And as C.S. Lewis said, "...(He) is calling us to take part in a great campaign of sabotage."

Read about the Nativity icon

This piece was painted for an Orthodox church. Below are some very early images of the Nativity.


Image of the Nativity located in the Catacomb of Priscilla in Rome, Mary appears to be nursing the infant Jesus on her lap. It is dated to around 150 AD. 7th Century image from the St. Catherine's Monastery at the base of Mt. Sinai, one of the oldest operating monasteries in the world, built between 548 and 565.



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