Christ Jesus Icon


The Greek letters on the halo, the omega, omicron, and nu, translated: He who is. This is a reference to Christ’s divinity, as the Old Testament reveals, He who is to be the name God revealed to Moses (Ex. 3:14).

The letters “IC” and “XC”, a four letter abbreviation in Greek for Jesus (IHCOYC) Christ (XPICTOC).

Taize Prayer:

In The Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful
Sung here during a Taize Evening Prayer service at Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York City.

Lyrics: "In the Lord I'll be ever thankful, in the Lord I will rejoice! Look to God, do not be afraid; lift up your voices, the Lord is near, lift up your voices, the Lord is near."

Christ Jesus
24 X 30 - acrylic on canvas




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