David and his harp

David Playing His 10-Stringed Harp
Acrylic on Birch Panel - 14 X 14


David: According to 1 Samuel 16, David was a son of Jesse and a shepherd in Bethlehem. He was a skilled harpist, a brave warrior, an able speaker and a handsome young man.

Saul asked Jesse to bring him his son. After hearing the young man play the harp (the kinnor) --- and how his music relieved Saul of the evil spirit that often came over him, Saul asked David to stay in his service.

Of course David went on to do great things in his life. One was to write many of the Psalms... O God, a new song I will sing to you; on a ten-stringed lyre I will play for you. Psalm 144.9

INSPIRATION: An ancient illustration from an illuminated manuscript.

Often decorated letters were used as drop caps at the beginning of text.

LEARN MORE about illuminated manuscripts at this beautiful website: Ancient History Encyclopedia

Personal Note: While researching for this painting, this sweet child singing Hallelujah came across my screen on You Tube. May we all find our God-given talents and share them freely without hesitation.





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