St. John Chysostom

Saint John Chrysostom
Doctor of the Church

24 X 36 - acrylic on canvas


Saint John Chrysostom: Known for his preaching abilities and public criticism of abuse of power and authority, and the lack of care for the poor. His name in Greek means "golden mouthed".

He is known as one of the most prolific writers of the early Church. He authored one of the three liturgies which the Catholic Mass has its roots, Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. He also wrote many chants. He was the Archbishop of Constantinople and an Early Church Father. He is one of the Doctors of the Church. Born in Antioch c. 349, died on Sept. 14, 407.

Venerated in the Roman, Orthodox and Anglican Catholic Churches.

Western Feast Day: Sept. 13th
Eastern Feast Day: Nov. 13th

Patron Saint of Constantinople, epilepsy, educators, lecturers, orators and preachers.

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The painting: I was inspired by the ancient Byzantine mosaic at the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.

NOTE: The Hagia Sophia, once an Orthodox basilica, construction began in 537 AD. Later it would become a Catholic basilica and then mosque. In 1935 it was converted to a museum. It was Turkey's most visited tourist attraction, however in 2020, under the Erdogan regime, the museum was ordered to once again be a mosque. Pope Francis spoke out about the change,

FYI: Hagia Sophia is Greek. Translated it means Holy Wisdom.



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